Core Values/Grading System

Course Information

Learn about the academic standards at River City.


Education – The heart of River City School of Leadership is to educate current and future church leaders in Basic Doctrine and Theology so that they can walk in their purpose and take their place in the Body of Christ. At its core, River City is a school for everyone. Academically excellent with a high standard for teachers and great expectations for students, River City will educate the current and next generation of leaders with foundational principles of the Word of God that will last a lifetime.

Impartation – The desire of River City School of Leadership is to impart both educationally and spiritually. One of the best elements of River City is its faculty, many of whom are pastors and church planters with an incredible reputation in the Richmond, VA area and abroad. The faculty offer both Biblical knowledge and practical leadership experience that each student will benefit from in remarkable ways.

Collaboration – The philosophy of River City School of Leadership is to partner with pastors and other local churches to discover needs within the overall Body of Christ and be a supplement. Helping leaders in other churches by equipping them in the Word of God will broaden their skill set and help them build well. River City wants to be a blessing to local churches, pastors, and ministries by aiding in teaching and leadership development.

Application – The goal of River City School of Leadership is to develop students to apply what they have learned. The school offers a practicum that helps students engage with their local churches and pastors in a service and leadership capacity with practical evaluation methods to ensure that both the student and the local church are benefiting in a real way. The goal is for the Body of Christ to grow in a healthy, Biblically-based, and Christ-centered way!

Grading Scale

A Excellent: 4 points. HONOR GRADE indicating EXCELLENCE earned as a result of consistently superior examination scores; consistently accurate and prompt completion of assignments; ability to deal resourcefully with abstract ideas; superior mastery of pertinent skills; promise of success in a field relating to the subject.

B Good: 3 points. HONOR GRADE indicating COMPETENCE earned as a result of high examination scores; accurate and prompt completion of assignments; ability to deal well with abstract ideas; commendable mastery of pertinent skills; promise of continued success in sequential courses.

C Satisfactory: 2 points. STANDARD COLLEGE GRADE indicating SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE earned as a result of satisfactory examination scores; generally accurate and prompt completion of assignments; ability to deal with abstract ideas; fair mastery of pertinent skills; sufficient evidence of ability to warrant entering sequential courses. A “C” is the minimum course grade necessary to meet a prerequisite.

D Less Than Satisfactory: 1 point. SUBSTANDARD GRADE indicating the MEETING OF MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ONLY earned as a result of low examination scores; generally inaccurate, incomplete or late assignments; inadequate grasp of abstract ideas; barely acceptable mastery of pertinent skills; insufficient evidence of ability to make advisable the enrollment in sequential courses. A grade of “D” would indicate the student is not likely to be successful in a higher-level course and would not meet prerequisite requirements.

F Failing: 0 points. NON-PASSING GRADE indicating FAILURE TO MEET MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS earned as a result of non-passing examination scores; inaccurate, incomplete or late assignments; failure to cope with abstract ideas; inadequate mastery of pertinent skills, repeated absence from class.

W Withdrawn: 0 points. A symbol recorded for a course when a student voluntarily withdraws; student is dropped from class by instructor; or petition is approved for a withdrawal. It is not considered in grade-point average.

CPComplete: PASSING GRADE, level of “C” or better.

I Incomplete: 0 points. NO CREDIT IS GIVEN. This symbol identifies UNFINISHED WORK OTHERWISE PASSING at a “C” or better level, indicating that an important assignment such as term paper, final examination or experiment is missing (for illness or other sufficient reason) but can be submitted to complete the course. If UNFINISHED WORK remains or a SUBSTANDARD GRADE  of “D” of lower has been awarded, the “I” will remain.

Grade Point Average

The grade-point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total quality points earned by the total number of GPA hours. Example: A student earning a grade of B in Evangelism (4 units) would have a total of 12 grade points for the course (4 x 3 = 12). Grades are assessed on a 10-point scale.  Therefore, an “A” would qualify as 90-100, a “B” would qualify as 80-89, a “C” would qualify as a 70-79, a “D” would qualify as a 60-69, and an “F” would qualify as anything below a 60.